What Is Post Partum Depression - Postpartum
depression affects about 13 percent of all women who gave birth. But sometimes
not appear until two to three months after birth. This is far spent the last
six weeks check-up, which means that a woman may experience depression will not
be seen by a doctor until he had collided with depression.
What would help is if the PPD can be expected. Spanish
researchers think they have found a way to anticipate nearly 80 percent of all
cases - 80 percent! It 'was amazing.
Did you know What Is Post Partum Depression is an
illness, approximately 5.25% of affected mothers at birth or soon after? There
is no best estimate, because researchers believe that many women are not
reported, the symptoms, perhaps because of embarrassment or fear of stigma as a
mother "bad".
There is no reason to believe that the cause of the disease
is present, especially when there is any disease of depression before pregnancy
may, in fact, inadequate food. Hormonal changes, which have been blamed for the
"baby blues" for years. However, the lack of nutrition also has a
negative effect on hormones. Body can not produce hormones, if the essential
fatty acids that are present in food. Although most people in the U.S. and
other developed countries enough omega-6 fatty acids, which is not enough
What Is Post Partum Depression is an affective
disorder (mental disorder characterized by a corresponding change in mood that
affect the mind and behavior) that can occur after a period of pregnancy
everything from spontaneous (not induced) abortion, called a miscarriage, a
full-term delivery. Depression can take a clinical course can vary from mild to
suicidal ideation (thoughts). Depression can occur at any post-delivery for one
year after childbirth. Symptoms usually begin within four to six weeks after
childbirth. Distinguishing depression post-partum maternity blues "or the
stress of pregnancy and childbirth can be difficult. Postpartum depression can
be distinguished from other types of depression if the mother shows signs of
ambivalence in the child and the abandonment of other members of the family.